What Vehicles Are Most Fitting For Halloween?

Different Vehicles For Different Drivers

Halloween is just around the corner, and what a lot of people don’t think about during this holiday is the vehicle they’ll be driving on the big night. In 2020, Halloween is on a Saturday; that means it’s going to be epic—except in places like Los Angeles, where this holiday is going to be nothing. 

If you know L.A., this is a bit ironic. Halloween is bigger than Christmas in L.A., and they closed all public gatherings down owing to COVID, which is definitely not worth that level of social change. 

But that’s a digression, here’s the point: you want the right kind of car for Halloween; you might even want to buy a cheap vehicle and trick it out. Following we’ll go over a few things you may want to consider in this regard. 

How Many People Are You “Trick Or Treating” With?

Is it just you and your son or daughter, or will you be bringing half a dozen neighborhood kids with you to hit the streets this year? We’re in another era owing to the current dem-panic—excuse me, pandemic—so that may mean trick-or-treating in your community doesn’t go as it did last year. Still, many are going to don costumes and go door-to-door. 

What’s most likely is that a lot of people will be dressed up as creatures or persons who would wear a mask anyway. So it may be safer to drive. If you’ve got more than one trick-or-treater, you’ll want a vehicle that can safely transport them; like a Subaru Outback, or an SUV. 

Will Your Vehicle Be Traveling “In Costume”?

If you’ve got an old station wagon, you can make that thing look like the vehicle from Ghostbusters. Here’s a site with several vehicle costume ideas. You might just purchase an old vehicle cheap for the express purpose of dressing it up and driving around. Some who are in lockdown will have no other alternative!

How Warm Is Your Vehicle?

Halloween is often the first significant snow of the year in Wyoming. Go to bed early, and you can see how many trick-or-treaters you missed by their sad little footprints in the powder. Though 2020 saw snow in the first week of September, it wasn’t significant. In Wyoming, it’s not “snow”, unless it sticks around for a month.

At any rate, you’ll want a vehicle that can keep you and your trick-or-treaters warm, because those little costumes are essentially cellophane and paint; they won’t keep a person remotely warm. So if you’re in a cold climate and you’re driving the young ones around, be sure the heating is adequate to the task.

The Best Option For Halloween

Different people in different states will have different preferences as regards Halloween vehicles. How hot is it? How many trick or treaters will you be transporting? Will you be dressing up your vehicle in a costume? 

Answer these questions over the next month to have the most fun driving around this Halloween season. To learn more about vehicles for the holiday, or any time of the year generally, be sure to explore our blog at Anybody’s Autos!